192 Formulations, 1.7 mL volumes in two 96 well block Plates.
Wizard Precipitant Synergy Block Technical Sheet
Application: Wizard Precipitant Synergy Formulations in Blocks are particularly well suited for high-throughput protein crystallization in 96 well standard formats, using multichannel pipettors or robotic dispensation instrumentation.
Recommended Use Depending on the type of crystallization tray and employed reservoir volume, a single Wizard Precipitant Synergy protein crystallization kit provides Formulations for ca. 12 to 24 96-well based crystallization Plates (assuming reservoir well volumes of 160 or 80 uL).
Approximate total number of crystallization setups: 1,152 – 2,304 corresponding to six or twelve unique 192 formulation crystallization trials.
Dimensions: Well positions of deep well block Plates conform to well center positional requirements for microPlates (ANSI/SBS 4-2004).
Well diameter: 7mm
Well depth: 35mm
Well bottom shape: round
Block dimensions: 128 x 86 x 42 mm
Formulations arrangement: 64 base Precipitant Synergy Formulations are arranged sequentially in each row, with every third well filled with a unique set of reagents. Three neighboring wells in rows each contain a base formulation consisting of 100%, 67% and 33% of precipitation reagents and constant buffer concentrations of 100 mM.